- Serbia, 9th-10th Centuries (in Serbian)
- Serbia under Tsar Stefan Dushan, c. 1350 (in Serbian)
- Courants métanastasiques dans le peuplement des Pays serbes du 15e siècle à nos jours
- Croatia, Slavonia & the Western Slavic Lands of the Ottoman Empire, 1844 (in German; H. Berghaus)
- Balkan States & Ottoman Empire, 1877-1878 (Stanford’s Popular Map of the Seat of War)
- Kingdom of Serbia, 1900 (in Serbian; Leopold Kraatz)
- Sketch Map of Western Turkey in Europe, 1909 (U .S. War Office)
- Carte des Balkans en 1912 (Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France)
- The Balkan states showing boundaries finally adopted, 1913 (W. Sloane)
- Carta della guerra tra l’Impero d’Austria et il Regno di Serbia, 1914 (in Italian; A. Ghisleri)
- Ethnic Map of the Balkan Peninsula, 1914 (in German, J. J. Kettler)
- Serbia and Macedonia with the neighboring areas, 1915 (in German, Carl Flemming)
- Lands of Serbian, Croats and Slovens, 1917 (Marcel Kolin)
- Ethnographic Map of the Balkan Peninsula, 1918 (Jovan Cvijić)
- Zones of Civilization of the Balkan Peninsula (Jovan Cvijić)
- Jugoslavia, 1929 (in Italian; Touring Club Italiano)
- Road Map of Jugoslavia with the Administrative Division, 1940 (in Serbo-Croatian)
- Ethnographic Map of Jugoslavia (1951)