map collections AND ATLASES
- Historical Map of Iran under the Seljuqs (Sahab Geographic & Drafting Ins.)
- Historical Map of Iran under the Safavi Dynasty, 16th-17th Centuries (Sahab Geographic & Drafting Ins.)
- The Safavid State. c. 1720
- Persia, 1787
- Persia, 1832 (John Dower)
- Iran and Afghanistan, 1849 (Joaquin de Salas Vara del Rey)
- Persia and Arabia, 1856 (J. H. Colton)
- Asia Minor and Persia, 1900 (Times)
- Map of Persia and the Eastern Part of Turkish Arabia, 1909
- Persia, 1912
- Persia and Afghanistan, 1912 (W. Johnston)
- Persia, Afghanistan and Baluchistan, 1912 (Rand McNally)
- Turquie d’Asie, avec Caucase-Perse-Egypte, 1918 (A. Taride)
- Persia and Afghanistan, 1919 (British War Office)
- Persia, 1920
- South-Western Asia, 1922 ( J. Bartholomew and Son)
- Persia, 1922 ( J. Bartholomew and Son)
- Iran Roads, 1927 & 1942
- Iran & Turan, 1939 (in German; A. Stieler)
- Iran & Afghanistan, 1945 (in Russian)
- Principal Tribes of Iran, 1953 (CIA)
- The White Revolution: Second & Third Performance of the Land Reform Law, 1972
- Islamic Republic of Iran, 1993 (CIA)