- Royaume d’Hongrie, Principauté de Transylvanie et Banat de Temeswar, 1788
- Hungary and Transylvania, 1811 (S.A. Oddy)
- Kingdom of Hungary, with Croatia and Slavonia, 1835 (in German; F. W. Streit)
- Carte de la Hongrie et des pays limitrophes appartenant à l’Empire d’Autriche, 1849 (V. Janson)
- Kingdom of Hungary, 1865 (in Hungarian)
- Ethnographic Map of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, 1870 (in German; K. Hauptmann)
- Balkan States & Ottoman Empire, 1877-1878 (Stanford’s Popular Map)
- Austria-Hungary, 1884 (A. Black)
- Ethnographic Map of Austria-Hungary, 1895 (R. Andree)
- Autriche-Hongrie, 1900 (Larousse)
- Ethnographic Map of Hungary, 1903 (in Hungarian; Cholnoky Jeno)
- Austria-Hungary, 1904 (in German; A. Stieler)
- Ethnographic School Map of the Kingdom of Hungary, 1909 (in Hungarian; Batky Z.)
- Ethnographic Map of Hungary Based on the Census of 1910
- Ethnographic Map of Hungary, 1912 (in German; P. Langhans)
- Allemagne et Autriche-Hongrie, 1915 (A. Taride)
- Ethnographic Map of Austria-Hungary, 1918 (in German; J. Kettler)
- Carte ethnographique de l’Autriche-Hongrie, 1919
- Hongrie en 1920 après le Traité de Trianon (larousse)
- Austria, Hungary and Czechoslovakia, 1925 (Cummins)
- Hungary and Danubian States, 1944 (in German; A. Stieler)
- Hungary, 1967 (Pergamon)